Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Check out this guarantee from IKEA

"We have found a really safe company to use for furnishing our house because they guarantee that their products are environmentally and human-righteously safe! if you want to check it out, I have the site here for the link to their statement.
the link is http://www.ikea.com/ms/en_CA/about_ikea/splash.html but you have to scroll down the page to where is says social and environmental responsibility."

"All IKEA suppliers must follow certain fundamental
rules. Working conditions must be acceptable, child labour is
not tolerated and suppliers must adopt a responsible
attitude to the environment."

Dr Peff Puff sent me this information and it looks great. Thanks Dr Peff Puff. I am doing some more snooping to check it out. Dr. Stephanie Lewis


Anonymous said...

If you go to this site you can read IKEA's plan for preventing child labour. I will continue to check this. www.ikea.com/ms/en_CA/about_ikea/social_environmental/preventing_child_labour.pdf
from Dr Lewis

Anonymous said...

You can go to this site to see how IKEA makes arrangements with the companies IKEA uses to make furniture for their stores. The companies have to sign a form to guarantee that they do not use child labour and they gave to guarentee that they do not use wood from preserved forests.
www.ikea.com/ms/en_CA/about_ikea/social_environmental/iway_standard.pdf Dr Lewis

dr. iggelypuff said...

go ikea!!!!!