Wednesday, April 4, 2007


A green roof, in order to work functionally, needs to have a drain. A drain takes the leftover water, that collects under the dirt, and brings it down, usually to the basement, and purifies it. This will cost a bit because the filtration systems plus the piping with the added fee of, yes, the drain. The drain is an essential item in having a Green roof, and without it, you would waste a lot of water, and the dirt along with it, there is no other way to be energy-conservational.
Picture from


Anonymous said...

Can you please get the source for your picture. We have been using pictures that we take ourselves or that others don't object to us using. we need to check your source.
thank you
Mr. Robin Garfunkel

Anonymous said...

Mr. Garfunkel,

We now have the source for our picture, it is:
you can check it out if you wish! We know it is a valid source!

Heat Team A

Anonymous said...

Thanks Heat Team A,
I checked the web site and found the drain. I will add the source to your post.
Mr Robin Garfunkel