Friday, April 27, 2007

House Size Issues - Should people live in large houses?

Recently I checked other Blogs for discussions about House Size
I didn't find any comments from people defending living large
Here are some comments that answer the question:

Should we live in Large Houses?

"your house size reflects your green footprint - bigger house, bigger waster of resources - more power needed, increase in infrastructure needed to service these ridiculous houses, more applicances, more bathrooms so more water wastage, more heat/cooling required

- people who live in these giant houses should feel bad - you are part of the larger problems the world is facing today and in the future.

Small houses are far more effective at keeping warm/cool depending on the season, use less resources, easier and cheaper to service and maintain, and most of all allow far more space for other houses."

"I can't believe the size of some houses that people are building.Who seriously needs 5 bathrooms, and 6 bedrooms? (unless you have a large family, but we all know the average family size is pretty small these days).I think it is pure greed. Yes, we would all like a nice big house, but there is such a thing as too big.Plus, you have to clean it! I could not be bothered dusting rooms that were never used. What's the point?!I think it is also forcing people to stay indoors. People are opting for larger houses with court-yards, rather than a smaller house with a big backyard. It's no wonder we are becoming obese."

"Smaller is definitely better. Big houses is symptomatic of the selfishness of our society (big diets, big cars, big electricity bills, big environmental crisis!).Having travelled through Europe and living in Asia for a couple of years, I really appreciate the lifestyle of living in high density residential areas. The lively atmosphere and sense of community are uplifting and makes you enjoy being outside."

"Smaller houses are better. McMansions are related to the 'Forget the quality, feel the width' mentality. Thes houses are no doubt luxurious, but also energy & space inefficient.Thing is, it won't change. People are always going to take more than they need."

"I think councils should more closely regulate the size of houses. And if they won't, the state or fed govt should do something about it. Clearly a waste. My wife and i are planning to build a new home in the next year or so, the size of the house is a big issue for us, we cannot agree.""big houses, in my experience are for greedy, selfish and misguided people"

Please add your comment: Should we live in large houses?

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