Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Helpful Tips on Windows for Passive Solar Heating

If we want to use passive solar heating in our houses we need to choose the right windows.

Looking at the diagram here (from we want high solar gain in winter so that we get the energy from the sun to help us heat the house. We also want to reduce as much as possible the loss of heat back out through the windows in winter by the processes of radiation, convection and conduction. Argon gas helps cut down on the transfer of heat out by convection because convection currents do not form as easily in argon as in air. Argon filled windows also cut down on conduction because argon does not conduct heat as well as air. We also need to cut down as much as we possibly can on infiltration around the edges of the windows and we can get windows we special foam insulation spacers for that.
Heat Team A found a great site
If you scroll down this site you can see an awesome graphic of the different types of windows

In summer we would need to cover the windows with drapes or blinds so that the house does not get too hot.


Anonymous said...

I got this quote from a reference from Heat Team A
"Enviroshield Low-E glass is good for the environment. Every window installed with Enviroshield Low-E in place of ordinary clear single-pane glass reduces electrical demand and can save 250 gallons of oil over the life of the window."
I'll add the reference on the next comment

Anonymous said...
this is the reference for the quote on the last comment, it is from a company called Windows For You