Sunday, March 25, 2007

Announcement of competition for bonuses

City Council announces NEW Competition for Bonuses
Teams can compete to be first to publish the idea to use a particular Device/Feature in their Design for Housing for Sustainable Living thus gaining points. Ideas should be submitted by e-mail to appropriate experts on our advisory panel.

Submissions need to include one or more of the following:

1. Engineering description of the device and how it works
2. Physics (explanation & theory) upon which the design is based
3. Possible environmental/societal impact of the device and suggestions of how to minimize this.

If submissions are accepted by the panel they will be published on the BLOG ( and the team with the successful submission will gain points. Once published, other teams can use the idea/device/feature in their house but they must cite the team that originally published the idea. Other teams may critique a published idea to gain points from the team that has earned them. Critiques are posted directly on the BLOG as comments. If experts feel the criticism is good points will be awarded to the team that submitted the critique. Experts in other fields can also offer critiques that will take away points. The bonuses collected by teams will be added to the payment received for final house designs.
NB. In addition, improvements to experiments, information and useful links can also be submitted for consideration for publication and bonus points.

For more information please contact Mr. Robin Garfunkel

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