Thursday, March 8, 2007

2nd post from Mr. Brunel

From Mr. G. I. Brunel
I enjoyed reading the comments to my last post.
Well its good to know we have excellent people as engineers on the Housing for Sustainable Living Project. Dr Abdul Damen - I'm very impressed with your qualifications. Many of the projects you mention sound vaguely familiar. I must say that the scope of your talents is awe-inspiring - with your energy and drive your team should make fast progress - so long as you stay focused and don't get caught up with musicals and tatooing - an interesting combination.
Dr. Samantha Hudson great for your team to have your know-how regarding energy efficient buildings. Your expertise is exactly what's needed for this project. I take it we are in a competitive situation here so I don't want to say too much and give anything away. These competitions bring up my stress levels. Send me an e-mail as soon as you have some ideas and questions I would enjoy collaborating.
Dr Querticous Peff-Puff great to hear you have no trouble with stress. A very interesting name - what exactly is your background if you don't mind me asking? Hungarian? E-mail me when you begin planning.
A word of warning to everyone. City council insists that team engineers base their designs on a firm understanding of the physics of heat transfer. They had a disaster apparently in 2010 where a couple of guys sold them a real bill of goods - if you know what I mean - told them this house design was way more energy-efficient than it turned out to be. The designers did not understand the physics of heat transfer and city council didn't either let me tell you. The problems were not discovered until after the family moved in and by then the design team Emporer Housing had scarpered. So be warned if you want this contract get the physics right. City council has been doing their homework.

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