Thursday, March 1, 2007

The Johnson Family


We are the family who are going to live in the first home to be built by the team that wins the contract in the Housing for Sustainable Living competition. We are very excited to have this opportunity. I’m Ida, the mom and the kitchen is the room that interests me the most…you must think I’m so typical! Anyway, we do share chores around here - although Natasha is very busy with school and extracurricular stuff so we don’t put too much pressure on her. My husband Harry is a bit of an organizational freak, I, on the other hand am messy…. So you see I am not so typical. I love to cook but I’m not great at clean up – that’s Harry’s job. We have a dog named Betty, she’s a big goof, loves to play and she’s pretty messy too come to think of it. Anyway back to the house, Natasha wants a big bright room, I want a big sort-of farmhouse style kitchen and Harry wants a workshop – he wants to take up carpentry. Other than that we want the house to be comfortable rather than fancy and we want the energy bills as low as possible of course, and we have to keep the cost down or we won’t be able to afford this beautiful house you guys are going to build! $300,000.00 tops-even then we’ll be paying a healthy mortgage!

So good luck and keep in touch!


Anonymous said...

You did not give us a great discription of the things you wanted in your house. Could you please give us a beter discription of what you want in your house please.

From: F.A.M Inc

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for your comment FAM inc. We have been checking for e-mails and never thought to look for a comment on our blog post. I'm not very computer savvy and Harry is very busy at work. I should put Natasha onto it she is so quick! Any way about the house, we loves the pictures! Is it your team that posted those? We really want to think about cutting down on energy use in the house. You have made it so beautiful and we really want to be able to afford it.