Monday, March 26, 2007

More on Green Roofs

1. If you want to reduce energy, a green roof would be a good choice because it works in the winter as well as the summer.
2. The great thing is that green roofs provent water flow by retaining up 75% of the rainwater.
3. A green roof puts more oxygen in the air.
4. Green roofs can reduce the temperature of cities which is great because in the summer the temp. is 10 degrees hotter then areas around it.
5. In Europe green roofs last for 40 years.

From Dr Kendra Acre of Heat Team C

photo from birdwOrks:


Anonymous said...

Hi Dr Acre,
this cross-section of the layers in a green roof is very useful. I would love to try this. Do you have the reference for where you found your information?

Anonymous said...

Hi Dr Acre,
can you please get me some info. about what each of these layers are? I would like to build this and test it out.
A fellow scientist

Anonymous said...

The Layers Are as Follows:
Growing Medium
Drainage Aeration, Water storage, and Root Barrier
Membrane protection and Root Barrier
Roofing Membrane
Structural Support
from Dr Kendra Acre

Anonymous said...

I got the brochure from the company S a r n a f i l Green Roof Systems.