Thursday, March 1, 2007

Mr. Mc Phee, financial advisor,

I have lived in this city all my life. I live in the house in which I was born. I live with my mother who I have cared for since 2010. Mother is quite frail and she suffers from arthritis and osteoporosis. However she is very cheerful and gets out to play bridge with her friends once a week. I have worked as financial advisor to the city for twenty-five years. It is a tough job because city committees like to spend money and I am never sure where exactly that money is supposed to come from. The new building standards have been welcomed by the citizens of our town and of course it is about time something like this was brought in. But twenty new inspectors have been hired and now the Energy and Environment committee want to send them for training. I am a dedicated and careful worker and I know more about city council budget issues than anyone else in town The Housing for Sustainable Living Project could do well to listen to my advice. I am the one to ask about creating the budget for the project. I use excel and I can send you a spreadsheet to get you started.

p.s. I was surprised to hear that Mr. Brunel was working as your engineering advisor. I had heard that he was retiring for health reasons, stress related I believe….

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