Thursday, March 1, 2007

Dr Lewis, human rights advocate,

I have a small apartment in Ottawa but I am hardly ever home. My work takes me all over the world. Presently I am investigating concerns over the large numbers of children working on producing hand-made oriental carpets in Afganistan. The fashion for these carpets in the west has led to an increase in the demand and manufacturers are hiring children because of their superior eyesight and because they are a source of cheap labour. I am traveling around Afganistan collecting information by speaking with families, manufactures and government officials. There are so few opportunities for families to earn a living in Afganistan. I believe that the solution to the problem will only come when consumers in western countries insist on knowing the history of the carpets they are buying. Consumers need to be prepared to pay enough for the carpets so that manufacturers can afford to hire more expensive adult labour. I have worked in many different countries in Africa and South America as well as Asia. In all situations my work centers on establishing and maintaining workers rights in the manufacturing industries. Although I am very busy I do love to discuss work with students. You can e-mail me anytime because I always carry my laptop with me. This is the first time I have been invited to advise on a project such as the Housing for Sustainable Living Project. I am delighted to take part. I can send you information on various manufacturers so once you choose your building materials let me know.


Anonymous said...

Hello my name is Dr.Ivana Huggatree. As well as being an eviromental scientist I am also the Human Rights Advocate on this project. I spent a year living Asia and protesting child labour and child soldiers. I have my masters in International Relations from University of Toronto. In my spare time as well as doing many environmentaly friendly things i play with my Old English Sheep Dog, Fawn. Fawn comes with me where ever I go. She really didn't like Asia, it was to far from home for her. Dr. Yzarc Leets and I get together and let our pets run around. Her llama, Fawn often gets scared when my dog starts rolling around. I can't wait to start working on this project

Anonymous said...

Dr Lewis says..
Great to hear from you Dr Ivana,
I can relate to your trip in asia. I have been here four months working on this child labour in the making of oriental carpets thing. It has really opened my eyes. The kids have no life at all. Its hard for people in our world to really get this. I'm sure you know what I mean. It brings them down and they don't want to know. I can't blame them. I'm so glad this project you are working on is connecting to these issues!

Dr. Iggelypuff said...

Hi, my name is Dr.Paquita Iggelypuff. As well as an environmental scientist, I am also the Human Rights Advocate for this project. I have a PhD in both faculties. I have made huge efforts to try and stop child labour, such as one time when I save 50,000 Chinese children from child labour. I also once saved 20,000 Afghan women from the Taliban militants. I have been in Asia for the past year protesting child labour. My goal is to build a house that is not only environmentally friendly, but also made of products that have not been made using child labour. I have some children of my own, and cannot imagine them being put through this horror. I have many pets; 3 cats, 1 dog, 6 fish, 1 hamster, and am soon getting chickens. I worked in the Amazon Rainforest for years, and actually discovered a new plant! I named it the Iggely.(hee hee) I am a lover of animals, people, and nature. My goal is to end global warming and end child labour. I want peace all-around, and no war. For now, however, I will stick with creating a house made of environmentally and humanely made products.
Please keep in touch, as I really respect your achievments and would love some advice. Thank you!
Dr. Iggelypuff

Anonymous said...

Hi Dr Igglypuff,
it is wonderful to have you working on the project. You have made such incredible contributions to the rights of people around the world. It is fantastic to hear about your work. If you get a list of products and suppliers when your team is ready we can start checking that the companies are following the human rights code.
Dr Lewis