Thursday, March 1, 2007

Dr. Boyle, Physicist

I live in rooms in Trinity College Dublin. As well as my bedroom I have a nice comfortable sitting room with comfy armchairs and a fireplace. The walls are lined with books from floor to ceiling and there is a large desk by the window. I love my books: I keep them well organized because I like to know exactly where to find each precious one in my collection. I also like to keep well-sharpened pencils in this pottery mug on my desk and I don’t like it if people move them. People say I am rather old fashioned, but I have a shiny new personal computer in the centre of my desk. I have a cat called ‘Whiskas’ to keep me company. I go to the College dining room for meals. I sit at a long table with other professors and we mostly discuss our work and the weather. During the day I work in my physics laboratory on Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer. I give lectures to students four times a week. During my office hours, my office is close to the lab. and quite convenient, students can come to ask me questions. I have two graduate students who work in the laboratory with me. Their names are Peggy and Dermot. Peggy and Dermot are married they have a two year old daughter Maggie and they share looking after her. Peggy and Dermot each work three and a half days a week in the lab. (from Peggy and Dermot- we really like Dr. Boyle; he is very enthusiastic about his own work and he also loves talking to us about our ideas)

We (Dr. Boyle, Peggy and Dermot) are excited about the Housing for Sustainable Living Project and we are happy to answer any questions that teams might have. We share your belief that a good foundation in the science of heat transfer is essential for good housing design for sustainable living. We have created a set of exciting experiments about heat transfer that we are willing to share. If your team wants to brush up on the basics of heat transfer e-mail us and we will send you our procedures.


Anonymous said...

Hello I am Mr.wallace Noot I'm am the physisist of my team. I like to scubadive. I spen most of my time in a lab conducting experiments on how to keep the heat of cold in a house. I went to McMaster university. I was a child genius so I have every digree in science you can get at the McMaster University. I'm a very shy person. I usualy don't talk to people unless it's on MSN. i am not a very good spelller am I? I live in room 121 in Trump Tower in New York. It is a pleasure to work with you and i look forward to using the experiments you send me.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Boyle,

My name is Dr. Luna Spacey and i live at 123 Home Street. I recieved my BSc from the University of British Columbia, my PhD in Physics from the University of Victoria, my PhD in Astronomy from the University of Victoria, and my PhD in Mathematics from McMaster University. I work in the physics labs at CERN. I have published two books (Understanding Physics, Physics In Our Everyday Lives). My hobbies include skiing, traveling, star gazing, reading, and hiking. I'm concerned about environmental issues and I'm working hard to help create a house for sustainable living.

Anonymous said...

Hello, my name is Yzarc Leets. I am the physicist in my team. I live at 3141879 Scisyph Street, Braintree, Massachusetts with my llama, Fawn. My llama is best friends with Dr. Huggatrees dog, Fawn. We enjoy chasing and feeding the pigeons together. I obtained my BSc at Queen's University and my PhD at McGill University. In my spare time I enjoy executing experiments with my llama. And the pigeons. They enjoy it. New York now has many mutant pigeons. It's not my fault. It's Fawns. I also enjoy watching Nacho Libre with Dr Querticous Peff-Puff. We enjoy re-enacting scenes from the movie.
I look forward to conversing with you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Yzarc Leets,
did you try out any of our experiments yet - not on the pigeons or your llama i hope! Myelf Peggy and Dermot are getting a second batch ready to send.
Dr. B

Anonymous said...

Just to let you know Dr. Boyle,
we'll be away for a week. We have a bit of a holiday going on over here in Canada. You might say we are breaking March! You see we have very tough Winters and when the Spring Thaw starts we all go a little crazy . We take a break from school because we can't concentrate in fact we can't keep still. It reminds me of the particle theory - add heat energy and the particles move faster. Talk to you in a week!

Anonymous said...

This is a transmission from another world, KERTRATS, you should receive it in your Earth Year of 2020. We have intercepted your communications and interpreted your language. We have trouble understanding your concept of the individual. We, the GROB, are interconnected and integrated. We form a continuum. We form a continuous unit. What hurts one hurts everyone. Our whole planet forms a continuum: what hurts one part of the planet hurts everyone and everything. We are a system. The system is called GROB. We can act singly but we act for the whole. We are GROB. We wonder what it is that gave your people the view of the importance of individuals. When you act singly you act for the individual and forget about the whole. You forget the interconnectedness of your GROB. We notice how this view influences your observations and even your scientific theories. We intercepted a communication explaining your particle theory of matter. Only an individual-centered society such as yours could produce a theory such as this. We in KERTRATS know that MATTER is a continuous substance. When we exert pressure on one part all parts react. We intercepted your transmission in your Earth Year 1920. We wonder if you still feel the same way about the importance of individuals?
End of transmission.

Anonymous said...

Hello, I am Dr.Cash. I am a Financial expert and a phicist. I live in New york on 5th avenue. I like to spend money and splurge on house. Some of my hobbies are counting my money and bragging. But I would like to find out about your grob and how it has got you money if it has!(I love money!)If you like i would love to be you fiancial expert on your new improved grob.Dont forget i would get 50% persent of your moola! any way it is very interesting if I could learn more about your Grob and what you have to say about it! I as i would also like to know as a phicist what the tempature of your grob is and if it can float.
Well good bye for now.I would appreaciate it if you could send me some more info on the grob!I think it is very interesting!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dr. Cash'
I have to say I know as much as you do about the GROB.. From my reading it seems to be a large group of single entities who speak as one. I get the impression that on Kertrats they think of everything as interconnected. For this reason I have a feeling that they would not have money as there would be no motivation to have stuff for yourself as you exist as part of everything else - if you know what I'm saying. Anyway I only know as much about GROB as you do because the message was sent though space from such a large distance away that it took 100 years to get to us!
Dr. B.

Dr. Gordon Freeman said...

Good day to you sir. I will be replacing the previous physisist who could not work on this project due to a tragic kitten and pink spoon accident. My name is Dr. Gordon Freeman, and not only am I a physisist, but I am a nuclear physisist, a computer programmer and a psychologist who is in close relation to Dr. Peter Collett. I have hacked and tampered computers for the CIA and other secretive organisations and I have compiled a complete encyclopedia of human body language. My skills will be shown in our housing project.

Anonymous said...

Great to know you are joining the project Dr Freeman. At some point - after we get the physics of heat transfer in the house dealt with - I would love to know more about your psychology angle. This is an area outside my expertise but interesting none the less!

Patrick Boyle