Friday, March 30, 2007

First images of a house design for sustainable living and the lucky Johnson Family


Anonymous said...

Heat Team B sent me these pictures to post. You can see they have incorporated a green roof and solar panels in their design.
Congratulations Heat Team B your design is really coming along.
Mr. G. I. Brunel

Anonymous said...

we are so excited to see this house! We love how you designed us! I have to tell you that I am thrilled at how I look! In real life I'm not nearly so good-looking and Harry isn't quite so slim and trim either. Natasha is a real cutie though - you got that right! Just imagine we could be living ina house like this one soon. Can you post some pictures of the inside? Have you worked out how much this is going to cost? Will it qualify as energy efficient with the city council? I see you have put on a green roof, how good are they are cutting down on energy efficiency? and solar panels how much energy will they produce?
We hope its enough because we love the house! Talk to you soon, Ida Johnson

Anonymous said...

Dear Ida Johnson,
We are pleased to hear that you are happy with the progress we have made. Of course we will be happy to post some interior pictures on the blog, (your farmstyle kitchen is quite impressive) we are in the process of furnishing the house. No we have not yet been able to get the cost of the house, we are dealing whith the amount of money we have to spend, but when we find a estimated price we will let you know. We are definetly working towards making this house as energy efficiant as possible. We are currently working on several different theories to make this happen. Here is a snipet of what I sent to Mr. Garnett about Green roofs..........

There are many reasons why green roofs are an excellent idea. For example: during rainfalls, runoff from rooftops can create problems like water pollution or sewer overflow. However green roofs slow this water flow, therefore reducing water pollution and the pressure on storm water structures. Green roofs are also great insulators. They can lower a buildings cooling costs in the summer, and during the winter reduce heating costs. Green roofs can also reduce the 'Island Effect' found in cities, because green roofs can help bring the overall temperature down. A green roof can also protect the waterproofing membrane on a roof from UV rays, causing it to last longer. One of the main things that I like about green roofs are the fact that they can improve air quality. This is because they can filter the air by absorbing and converting carbon dioxide to oxygen.

From Dr.Samntha Hudson and Dr. Lola Justice

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much FAM inc.,
Ida is so excited you would not believe it. I read that information about the efficiency of green roofs at cutting down on transfer of heat. I guess that will cut down on our costs. Any information for us on how much? Also what kind of insulation are you planning on using? I can see the green roof will cut down on insulation through the roof but what about the walls? What type of windows are you planning on using? Sorry to load you down I just want to be sure we can afford what Ida now has her heart set on - know what I mean?
Harry Johnson

Anonymous said...

You know how much we love the house but we had an e-mail from a Mrs Doris Cunningham wondering about heating costs. Any ideas? She said that in 2007 she paid $213.87 to heat a home 1,650 square feet. Now we know one of the teams designed a beautiful house that is 6,400 square feet and with heating costs 100X higher there is no way we can afford the bills, even with the greatfeatures like the green roof. So what exactly is the size of your house/

Anonymous said...

just to let you know that i posted some figures you should take a look at on the BLOG,
Mrs doris Cunningham