Thursday, March 8, 2007

2nd post from Dr Boyle

Great to read your comments to my last post Dr Luna Spacey and Mr. Wallace Noot. I expect you are not using your Dr. title because you are so modest Dr. Noot. Well I am going to ignore that. With all those degrees you have from McMaster University I'm sure one of them is a PH.D. The timing for your comments to us here at Trinity College Dublin couldn't have been better. We just sent off a paper to be reviewed for publication called A Comparison of Techniques Designed to Melt an Ice Cube in Seconds. Peggy and Dermot were also involved so now the three of us have time to spare. Our paper will be sent out to the reviewers within a week but likely we won't see it in the Journal of Heat Transfer Research until Christmas - you know how slow they are at getting publications out! Funnily enough the idea for the experiment came to us in the lunch room. Dermot started up this challenge to melt an ice cube as quick as you can. It was nuts down there in the lunchroom everyone got involved. You should try it at your end and see if you can beat our time! Dermot had put in a bunch of rules, like you can only use what you have on the table right now and you have to collect all the water somehow and you can't put the ice cube into your mouth. Anyway after all the messing down in the lunchroom Dermot and myself headed back to the lab. We got to thinking maybe we could write this up as a paper if we did the tests carefully as controlled experiments and timed things precisely. We thought this information about methods for melting ice might be of some use to other scientists and might even have some practical value. The idea just came to us out of the blue - thats the power of the imagination for you! So if you do try this out let us know your time - maybe we could add it to our data as an addendum. Oh sorry I got a bit carried away I forgot to ask you about the house your team is designing? How's that coming along?

1 comment:

HEAT said...

G.I. Brunel here - I'm a bit annoyed Dr Boyle with your chatter and lack of focus on the real problem here. We have a house design to get to and your talkin' melting ice cubes! whats going on!