Monday, March 26, 2007

Green Roofs:Reduce Water Pollution and Energy Use

Using Green Roofs in Housing for Sustainable Living

There are many reasons why green roofs are an excellent idea. For example: during rainfalls, runoff from rooftops can create problems like water pollution or sewer overflow. However green roofs slow this water flow, therefore reducing water pollution and the pressure on storm water structures. Green roofs are also great insulators. They can lower a buildings cooling costs in the summer, and during the winter reduce heating costs. Green roofs can also reduce the 'Island Effect' found in cities, because green roofs can help bring the overall temperature down. A green roof can also protect the waterproofing membrane on a roof from UV rays, causing it to last longer. One of the main things that I like about green roofs are the fact that they can improve air quality. This is because they can filter the air by absorbing and converting carbon dioxide to oxygen.
Dr Lola Justice, a member of Heat Team B


Anonymous said...

Green roofs sound very interesting Dr. Justice,
I am interested to set up a green roof and wondered if you could post a reference for your information.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dr. Justice,
Could you tell me something about the kinds of measurements that environmental scientists make when they study green roofs? How do they know that the green roofs do all this good stuff? I just want to know because I keep reading articles in the newspaper about the great potential of green roofs and I just don't get it. It gives me indigestion when I am reading the paper and eating supper. It just get me irritated.
Mr A. Garnett

Anonymous said...

Dear anonymous,
The reference for the article I used inorder to write my snipet of Information is

From: Dr. Lola Justice

Anonymous said...

Hello Mr. Garnett
In order to check the efficiancy of a green roof, one of the major tests that environmental scientists do is measure the amount of heat transferred across roofs. Green roofs cut down significantly on the amount of heat flow happening through the roof whereas regular roofs do not do nearly as good a job.
Fromm: Dr. Lola Justice

Anonymous said...

Dr. Justice,
During our reaserch on green roofs, we found that, in order for a green roof to be functional, you will need to put in a drain. This drain would be heavy and would raise the cost of a green roof. This drain would have to go somewhere to be filtered, and it cannot go to a cit filtrration system. This filter would also cost alot as well.
Dr. Peff-Puff