Monday, March 26, 2007

Heat: Expanding and Contracting Matter

Hi Dr. Boyle,
I am writing to you on behalf of Dr. Wallace Noot,Dr Noot asked me to write because he was just on the point of contacting you when he was called away to an important meeting. He has been researching Recycled Plastic Lumber. He belives that it might prove useful for decking and other outdoor building. He has been experimenting recently with expansion of matter upon heating. He has tried some of your experiments and is planning on using them in a demonstration to students. He has also witnessed a very interesting but very dangerous experiment wherein metal bolts were heated with a blow-torch and it was possible to see the bolts expand and contract as they were heated and then cooled. Dr. Noot will not be including this in his demonstration. In one story Dr Noot heard about Recycled Plastic Lumber it was reported that long lengths expand and contacted to such a degree that decking that had been bolted into the wall tore itself free and did some damage along the way. Dr Noot is recommending Recycled Plastic Lumber with the warning that short lengths should be used. Dr. Noot recommends this product because it provides a use for all the plastic bags we create and stops them from ending up in the landfill. Dr. Noot is investigating whether any polluting gases are created in the process of turning plastic bags into plastic lumber.

Dr. Rees on behalf of Dr. Noot of Heat Team B


Anonymous said...

Dr Noot,
I would appreciate some feedback on that experiment you tried on expansion of gases. could you e-mail me the details of your results?

Anonymous said...

Sorry Dr Noot,
that last coment was from me
Dr. Pat Boyle

Anonymous said...

Dr.Boyle I tried the ballon experament you sent me and when I put the bottle in the water with the ballon on top the baloon blew up right away but it did not blow up to it's fullest.The water I used was at boiling temperature.
From Dr.Noot