Thursday, March 1, 2007

Mr. Brunel, engineer

I work on six projects a year and try to keep out of phone and e-mail contact the rest of the year so I won’t tell you too much about my personal life if you don’t mind. Don’t get me wrong I am as friendly as the next man but I have to watch my stress level for health reasons. I like to keep my work out of my personal life. Working as an advisor on this project to build Housing for Sustainable Living is a privilege. I have heard of Ms. Wren’s brilliant designs and I am looking forward to working with her…although between you and me I’m a bit worried about the budget and the deadline. I heard that she doesn’t like to cut corners; custom-made windows, geothermal heating systems and the like. Between Ms Wren and the tough new building code regulations that the city brought in I don’t know how we are going to make this project work within the allocated budget. Sorry, this is your job I am just an advisor. Phew! I was getting a little stressed there. Watch out for your blood pressure on this one there is plenty to worry about concerning the practicalities of this project – e-mail me for ideas to get you stated.


Anonymous said...

My name is Dr. Abdul Daman and I live at 13 Galt Rd., North Carolina, Kill Devil Hills. I have my BSc(University of Toronto), PhD in art, architecture, and engineering(University of Toronto), Medical degree(McMaster), PhD in Medicine (McMaster). I have had experience with engineering in the past including the building of the Prooklyn Bridge, Tom Pruiz's house, the Lump Tower, and the Empie State Building. I have published three books (Simetra Lwof, The Impact, Tick Tock Times Out!) and I have also written a hit musical "Lease". My hobbies include skiing, bibking, playing in the band (PB&J), tattooing, eating PB&J sandwiches, designing my fleet of houses, creating an elite league of mice, and other sciency things.

Anonymous said...

I'm docter Samantha Hudson, fellow engineer. I live on 56 Bellomre street, New York City. I attendend Yale University for my PHD in engineering. I have wrote a book called enviromental sustainablility, which is about the struggle of our worlds enviroment. I have also written a a text book, which is now used in Universitiy classrooms. It is called the world of an engineer.
In the past I worked as the head of an enviromental greenhouse program with Dr. Wallace Noot and Dr. Lola Justice. I also ran some after school activities with high school students. I have built many energy efficiant buildings. I have many pations in life but my true compation is definatly engineering. I am a very outgoing person and I like to experiment with many things.

Anonymous said...

I'm docter Samantha Hudson, fellow engineer. I live on 56 Bellomre street, New York City. I attendend Yale University for my PHD in engineering. I have wrote a book called enviromental sustainablility, which is about the struggle of our worlds enviroment. I have also written a a text book, which is now used in Universitiy classrooms. It is called the world of an engineer.
In the past I worked as the head of an enviromental greenhouse program with Dr. Wallace Noot and Dr. Lola Justice. I also ran some after school activities with high school students. I have built many energy efficiant buildings. I have many pations in life but my true compation is definatly engineering. I am a very outgoing person and I like to experiment with many things.

March 8, 2007 12:58 PM

Anonymous said...

Hello, I am Dr. Querticous Peff-Puff, don't make fun of my name, my parents were somewhat, dettered when the named me. I am participating in your heat game in the role of an Engineer/Architect. I am not at all worried about the stress leve, as i am an extremely easy-going person. I am looking forward to working with you and Mrs.

Anonymous said...

Hello I am Dr.Dumb. I graduated from the University of Waterloo and I'm an engineer. My name says my I.Q. but oh well. My pass time is raceing on the Europian track. My favourite dish is cheese cake with Escargot on the side. I live in a hut on the Moon in a town called Bobville. I cant' beleive the reception we get up here. Here we are forced to breathe methane gas given by my partner *******. Who lives on Titan (a moon of Saturn). We have some good ideas about the house.
Youre's truly: Dr Dumb. good night zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Anonymous said...

Dr Dumb,
I would like to welcome you to our communication site for Designing Housing for Sustainable Living. I imagine building specifications can be rather difficult in your situation - both from the point of view of frigid outdoor temperatures and revolting air. What do you do to freshen things up on Titan? We would love to hear your ideas for ventilation and air purification systems and for Keeping In The HEAT.
p.s. Dr Dumb due to some nasty experiences I had asd a youth - having to wear a dunce cap and being made to stand in the corner and that kind of thing - I have a real problem with the word DUMB. I was wondering if I could call you by another name Dr Titan maybe - please let me know your thoughts on this....
Mr. G. I. Brunel

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Brunel I am just going to the office to make an apointment to change my name to Dr.Tick Tock. A lot has happend since I last wrote. I have changed in to a hamster by the methane gas that my partner has produced.
Gotta run.
Dr. Tick Tock.

Anonymous said...

Well Dr. Tick Tock,
a hamster hey! HMMMM I was wondering if you were interested in our designing housing for sustainable living project? Even hamster's need a cosy home.
Mr G. I. Brunel

Dr. Teague Drummond said...

hey, i'm Dr. Teague Drummond. I have phD in engineering, economics, and arts. I am often creative in my lectures at the Toronto University. I have written many books on engineering, as well as some on economics. Not only this, but in my spare time, I often star in many famous plays, such as Annie and Oliver.Not only this, but I am currently working on a play. I'll keep in contact with you, as i am an engineer. However, my partner and I are both engineers. I am a Civic engineer, with a cool, collected temper. My partner is a construction engineer, who has a terrible temper, and will often be yelling at everyone. We wish that you will contact us a much as possible with your ideas. Thank you

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Drummond,
Thanks for your note - great to have you on the team. Your creative thinking is sure to be needed on this project. Let me know about your ideas - got to rush - as usual I have multiple projects on the go