Thursday, March 1, 2007

Ms. Wren, Architect

I live in a bright modern apartment in a renovated building in the distillery district in Toronto. The building used to be a factory and my apartment occupies the entire top floor. It is a wide-open-concept apartment with no separate rooms except for the bathroom. The floors are hardwood decorated with several oriental carpets and the triple glazed low heat transfer windows look just like the original, old fashioned sash-windows that I like so much. The walls are painted white and the large potted plants and ceiling fans give the apartment a tropical feel although the furniture has a Scandinavian appearance. I have a wide circle of friends and I like to entertain frequently. I really enjoy cooking. I experiment with dishes from all over the world. I have an office area in my apartment where I work on house designs on my iMac G5. I specialize in Designs for Sustainable Living. I teach at the Ontario School of Art and Design two days a week. I have a studio and an office at the art school. I love to share ideas with the OCA students, they are such a talented bunch. I particularly love to talk about designs for sustainable living and I am excited to be an advisor on this project. I am happy to share some of my award winning designs to get you started.


Makato said...

hello i am Makato the Architect for heat team D. i will be asking for help from you if needed

Anonymous said...

Hi Makato,
It is good to know that we have an architect working on the project. Your message is the first that I have received. Please send me your design ideas.
Ms Wren